My son is in the U.S. Army and stationed over seas. My husband of 29 years was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on April 7th, 2011. When we received the news we immediately contacted Red Cross to bring our boy home. Now getting through red tape with the military was very difficult as they were looking at it as his dad wasn't that close to death and that my son could wait until later to return home. With the help of Red Cross; a few military high ups and by the grace of God my son was able to come home and see his daddy. Because of all the red tape it delayed my son's return home by a week. We were told he was allotted 2 weeks to spend with his dad. April 26th, 2011 at 12:12 my husband passed away. As we pondered that day about it only being 19 short days from the time they diagnosed my husband to his death we bowed our heads and thanked our Lord for his precious gift of One Last Time that my son was given to spend with his daddy. Had we not had to go through all the red tape my son would have been on a plane headed back overseas and would have not been there to see his daddy meet our maker. Our Lord truly moves in mysterious ways and although we may not know at the time his reasons; he always reveals them to us at some point in our lives.
God Bless our Military and may God watch over them ALL!
Port Charlotte, FL