I come here everyday to give a veteran a meal and have purchased from the store. I have PTSD not from going to war but from severe abuse. I know all about the loneliness, flashbacks that are so vivid that you can even smell, feel, and taste the things from your traumatic experience that happened years ago. I received therapy off base as a dependent stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. I went to therapy every week for a long time working on the nightmares, panic attacks, anxieties and suicidal thoughts. That is how I found counselling I called a crisis lifeline. I am not cured but I live a much better quality of life. I think Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing helped the fastest, EMDR actually came from treatments that were pioneered from studies at the VA, Many therapist either utilize this treatment or know of a therapist they could recommend. It is not a cure all I had also been in extensive therapy and group therapy. Group therapy helps you not to feel like an island. I always opened my heart and home to the soldiers that worked with my husband I was their second "MOM", That mothering is still strong in me. I so want to be there for you soldiers! Know that I am out here praying for you, even though a childhood of severe abuse doesn't even touch the problems , flashbacks, and panic/anxiety of a Veteran. But know there is hope. Call the National Suicide Lifeline before you make any permanent decisions. They have special trained people to deal with these troubles and symptoms of PTSD. You are not alone. I pray for you every night. I pray that you get help for PTSD.. Think of this as the war to get your life back!
Julie PittsMoulton, AL