Not sure how I will make it

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I have been on here. For those that don't know I was in a bad accident 10/14/2011 and was in the hospital for four days. My truck is no more as I not so successfully completed a back flip with it after leaving the paved road I was on. It took almost 5 hours of surgery and two metal rods to put my forearm back together and to re-attach my bicep that was cut in half during the accident.
Ok so the VA in all it's wisdom declined my request for assistance with my medical bills from my accident. So if anyone is feeling charitable I can let you know where to send assistance to.
Everything looking good except the fact that he cant move his fingers as much as he should be able too, he cant straighten them. The surgeon hopes his nerve was stretched during the surgery and not cut, the fact that he has feeling is a good sign. Now the not so great news. I have had a huge bump on my leg since the accident and now that my arm is progressing it is time to focus on my leg. So keep the prayers and good thoughts coming I am not done with this adventure yet.
They removed 600ml of fluid off my hip.
So after 5 hours at the VA doctor visit was complete blood work done and tests are being scheduled. Blood work was inconclusive so it could be an issue with my pancreas or it could be my gall bladder. So I am being scheduled for an abdominal CT scan and ultra sound and a upper endoscopy. But on the bright side my arm is finally closed and the infection seems to be gone.

Daniel Dose
Elma, WA