I wrote this to a artist who painted "Wings of Hope"- "My name is Sgt. llamas,stationed at Ft. Bliss,Texas.I'm a injured soldier. I was deployed to Mosul,Iraq in 2007. I came home to my family in Dec. right before Christmas. Since my accident, My back injury has gotten worse to the point that i had to have lower back spinal fusion. The doctors removed 2 disks from back and i am on to recovery.
I have been with the Wounded Warrior Transition Battalion which help wounded soldiers get help they need. As I went to the Army hospital for my surgery on July 1st 2008, I walked through the hallway with my wife and I saw that you are a military artist. I saw your painting you did for the military "Wings of Hope" which reminded me of my wife. I say this, is because she has been a inspiration to me. She has she stood beside me in all the decisions I have made, including coming back into the army once again from a 3 year break in service and since we barely got married on 070707. When I saw the artwork wings of hope, I thought to myself, 'that this artist must do more art for the military'. I said to my wife, "You are my Wings of Hope for our family and
we are the fallen, wounded soldiers and you are the angel here to carry us home when we are in need." I would like to give the 'Wings Of Hope' military art print to my wife to tell her how much we love her and we all appreciate all that she has done for our family and to tell her she is our angel. thank you for your time and effort."
Sgt. Llamas
Corpus Christi, TX