When I hit 18 I headed down to see Marine recruiter but he wasn't there so I went next door to Army guy..I told him I wanted to enlist in the toughest thing the Army had and he signed me up for the Paratroopers..He also talked me into finishing HS (I had a few months left) and I did. My college was paid for but I wanted to serve my country first..I spent 3 years with the 82 ABN and right before I got out I was offered SSGT position as an adviser to some place called Vietnam..I decline and have always regretted it. I went back into Army Reserve in 1974 and then into National Guard Special Forces in the next year..All told I spent over 30 yrs in the Reserves...Volunteered for first Gulf War but as a First Sgt I was not allowed to leave my unit...Total of 34 years military duty and I loved every minute of it..Miss it..
John DuPontPicayune, MS