My only child joined the Navy Nov 09. He was deployed for 7 months and did not get to see his son born. His wife is also in the Navy. I thought the Navy was to look out for families!!!! They live in VA with no family around and both have sea duty!!! I thought the Navy would let one or the other have shore duty so they can be with the child!!!! They are young and maybe they are not asking for the right help!!! My son wanted to stay in the Navy and make a career for them but now he has to get out to make more money at home!!! This does not make since to me that the military does not pay these kids enough money!!! Just letting off a little steam here but I think the Military should make alot of money and be able to put the family first!!!! Why can;t the teachers and the military make 60 to 75000 a year??? People at McDonalds bring home more than they do!!! Thanks for the lending ear!! I'm just a concerned dad and grandfather worried about their future!!! Of course they have family who will watch the baby, but that means the baby moving away from mom and dad!!!!

Hopkinsville, KY