Our son left on Aug 6, 2012 at the ripe old age of 17 to Marine Corps Boot Camp in San Diego just a few short months after High School graduation, I was happy but scared at the same time, he was about to embark on a journey he had planned on since seeing the towers fall in elementary school to rid this world of Terrorists. To see him on Nov 2 2012 graduate Marine Corps Boot Camp was one of the most highest points in my life besides getting married and having my children. My dad was a Army man serving in both WW 11 and Korea as a combat medic and my husband served for over 11 years in the Army but when it comes to your own child it is way different. The emotional roller coaster is forever going while you are a Marine Corps mother, wife or child of a Marine. Then during his school in NC he got orders to Okinawa Japan. That was really hard to take for me knowing that he was going to be so far away if something happened to me you see I am a diabetic. The stress alone can effect your blood sugars. He had been away from home only once growing up besides school trips. To know your child is going to serve his country in another country is beyond stressful then in October of 2013 he calls to tell me he is deploying to the Philippines and the stuff going there was almost as bad as Iraq or the Sand Box. He was in harms way even in the Philippines. That deployment was 6 months of hell for this seasoned military mom.He is soon headed to his next PDS. I am so proud of the young responsible man that he has become and what the Marine Corps has taught him, he will someday make a very fine Police Officer which is his destination. I love that fine young man of ours and he will always make his family proud! Semper Fi & God Bless America
AnonymousWichita Falls, TX