This is the story of a man, who has shown his valor and lives on today. His name is Steven Moroni Robert Lukenbach. He is my eldest brother. He is now 24 years old, turning 25 next year. Steven joined the United States Marine Corps at 17 years old, immediately after graduating high school. He was married (but I won't get into that). He graduated basic training and then deployed to Afghanistan shortly thereafter, leaving behind his twin sons and his wife at the time. He was deployed for 10 months, not the longest time, but still a hefty amount of time. Every night I would sit awake, crying and wondering where he was at, what he was doing, how he was doing. It scared the bloody hell out of me. When I'd get on the computer, I and the rest of my family would check Skype to see if he was available for chat. Some stories of his time over seas honestly scares me. But I love him and I owe him a salute and a hug, every time I see him. Which is not often.
Today he fights a long battle of PTSD, but he has a great support system of his wife, his family and his family. His first wife divorced him after well being disloyal to him (in our family, that's a giant crime and you'll start blood feuds with us for so much as checking out someone else if you are married). I love my brother and all that he has done. For all you veterans out there, stay strong. No one gets left behind.
Salt Lake City, UT