my grandfather david haulbrook

my grandfather was david haulbrook.he was born in oconee county sc.when he was 17 he joined the us army against his grandpairents will.he said he told the army he was 18 because he wanted to serve our country and you had to be 18.well they let him in ,he told me he done some traing at fort moultry sc.he later got staioned at panma south america.he said he stayed there until ww2 broke out.he then got sent to germany.while he was over there he said he was toteing a medical bag into a railroad tunel.he said they fired a german bomb into the tunnel.he told me after the bomb exploed he lost his whole grandfather lost all his fingers on one hand and got shot between his legs with gun fire.he said he burried his self in the sand beside the tracks untill his troops rescued him.i think he stayed in a german hospital for a while,then they sent him back to walter reed in washington dc.he stayed there untill he got me his grandson i think he was a real american hero.i just lost him a few years ago to cancer and i miss him everyday.i hope this story will let his memmory live on ray findley

ray findley
anderson, SC