My Father

I know this site is American, but I believe that we should support all soldiers that fight for our freedom everyday.

My Father served as part of ship's company in the Royal Navy (British) onboard HMS ARK ROYAL during the Gulf Wars. One time, RPG fire came close to where he was stationed, and I would say he was very lucky as the ship has literally pitched and rolled at just the right time so that the RPG head skimmed past one of the windows near the bridge. The Terrorist was very quickly dispatched of and the whole ships company put at ease with a stirring speech from the captain.
If it was not for the pitch and roll of the ocean at that precise second, my father would probably not be here today and he would have been killed stood looking at radars on the bridge.

Like I said, I know this is an American site, but I still believe that all servicemen and women, no matter where they are from, should be rewarded for their efforts for equality and freedom.

Harry Jon Sowerby
Portsmouth, United Kingdom