My father

My father John Honer,was in the navy, 1941 to 1946. He kept a log every day, which I still have. He never spoke of it. About 12 years later my half brother, Bobby joined the Navy. He never made it through boot camp. My dad brought him home. He was never the same after. He stayed in his room and never spoke to anyone. When I was 12 I saw my dad walk out the front door, told me he loved me. 3 days later they found his body washed onshore. He jumped off the Delaware bridge. Looking back there were signs but no one talked about it then. If it were today he would still be alive. I am an advocate for helping veterans. Finally people are realizing the stress and trauma our veterans come home with. Unless you were there you could never imagine the damage. Please take the time to hug or shake a hand of a veteran, no matter where you are.
Thank you for your time

jacq walker
Brigantine, NJ