My father, My Hero

My father Keith Felker, was a Master Gunnery Sargent in the United States Marine Corps. He joined the Corp at a early age and was sent to Vietnam where he did two tours.. While in Vietnam, he was shot three times and exposed to Agent Orange. He saw many of his friends killed while serving. Upon returning to the States he left the Corp for the private sector where he met my mother and they were married. As many solders did he suffered from night terrors on certain days of the year. One day especially, Thanksgiving. That was they day he saw his good friend killed in Vietnam. I believed he missed serving his country so when I was older he joined the USMC Reserves, stationed at Fort Knox, KY. He was very proud of serving his country and was sent to Camp Pendleton in California, where he began to help run summer camps. He also served in Desert Storm and helped to check in the troops at Camp Pendleton as they returned from Desert Storm when it was over. He eventually retired for good and learned that he had lung cancer. He died on February 4, 2010. My father technically did not die in combat but he did die for serving his country, you see his cancer that killed him was caused from being exposed to Agent Orange while he was in Vietnam. So my father is my hero because he served his country here at home and overseas. And because the USMC is always the one guarding the top man, I know he is guarding up at Heavens Gate to welcome all the other troops that served their country as well. When it is my time to go I know he will be waiting and oh what a joyous reunion it will be.

Please thank those who serve our country so that you may have the freedoms you have.

Kristi Felker
Louisville, KY