My Brother is my hero

My brother Virgil B. Terwilliger gave his life for his country, March 13, 1967. He was serving in Viet Nam with the Marine Corp as an office clerk. He volunteer to be a gunner on a Medivac helicopter. They were called out to rescue some Marines, not knowing it was a trap. They were shot down in a ravine trapping Virg and the other gunner, Paul Harris. The pilot and co-pilot tried to rescue Virg and Paul, when the copter blew up, burning the pilot badly. 3 men died as a result of that mission. Virg and Paul were never recovered. They did not make it home, but after 46 years they have not been forgotten by their families. I hope he is waiting for me on the other side. His loving sister, Linda

Linda L Bleschke
Napoleon, OH