My brother at 17 volunteered

My brother at 17 volunteered in the marines.(he said that the marines were the best to join if he wanted to survive.) My brother earned his purple heart, bronze star and many others.he was subjected to things that you and I could not begin to fathom.there was no heroes welcome home other than our mothers open arms.I thank god for every day that my big brother and those who ...serve our country walk this gods green earth. I thank god for people who are still willing to give all for our country I love my brother and he too is my hero. I love ya big bro (ernie). God bless america.(1 thing I forgot to mention was that he was also exposed to agent orange, and that the metal detectors wil always go off when he passes through because of all of the shrapnel that is still in his body, forever his reminder of vietnam.

Jane forte
Suffolk, VA