Mother Mary

My Dad never went to church with us but he believed.
During World War II, he and his fellow soldiers in Germany were surprised by a long lasting mortar attack as they were traveling. They jumped out of their vehicles and found protection in some nearby ditches. They were there, pinned down for hours.
Unfortunately, those ditches were filled with varying levels of rain water and it was wintertime, so they became wet and really cold. Most likely hypothermic. The attack rained on so they had to stay where they were and defend their position.Some men chanced getting out of the ditches so they wouldn't freeze to death, he doesn't think they made it.
Then there was the period of silence where fear grew. He lit a ciggarette. His thoughts were of family back home; he prayed fervently that he could see his mother one last time.He was scared to death he wouldn't make it. He was shivering so bad from the cold and being wet. Getting out of the pit was a death sentence. Staying in the pit was similar.
He started to pray. Over and over again he prayed , "Just let me see my Mother one last time."
A period of time passed that he can't recall and he sort of "came to."
He was still crouched in the cold wet water, his ciggarette had burnt down but the ashes were still attached and he said he felt so warm. He looked down and most of him was dry. He swore Mother Mary placed her arms on him, provided comfort and kept him safe and warm.
He teared up the two times I heard him relate that story and he didn't share it with anyone - it was far too special an experience.
Miracles do happen.

Kristine Benevento
Williston, VT