To remember is to honor, to impart dignity, to define purpose, it also reflects our values and creates a legacy.
This will be year #4. Always the week before Memorial Day we honor all those who are serving today, veterans, first responders, 9/11 victims, and those who have served and passed away. We honored 33 veterans and active duty. We had 238 crosses for veterans who have served our country and have passed away. This is our opportunity to say thank you to those who are still living, and to remember those who fought for our freedom by honoring them with a cross. Our oldest veteran who is still alive that we honored was 93 who served in WWII.
The crosses have the name of a soldier/sailor/first responder
Year they were born
What war they fought in
John 15:13 bible verse
Our cross count who served in wars
American Revolutionary Wary - 5 Individuals
War of 1812 - 2 Individuals
Civil War - 13 Individuals
Spanish American War - 1 Individual
World War I - 10 Individuals
World War II - 62 Individuals
Pacific Theater - 3 Individual
European Arena - 2 Individual
Korea - 20 Individuals
Vietnam - 61 Individuals
Persian Gulf War - 2 Individuals
Operation Enduring Freedom - 22 Individuals
Operation Iraqi Freedom - 22 Individuals
Operation New Dawn - 1 Individual
Jesus - 1 Cross
A Right we are Born With - A Gift we must Fight For - A Life Heroes Die For -
This is why we Celebrate Freedom and why we have our special ceremony every year
"No one has greater love than this - who lays down his life for his friends"
John 15:13
Graham, WA