My husband was in Afghanistan on a 12 month tour and, he was finally coming home on Labor Day weekend and arriving in Fort Polk at 8pm. I drove to Fort Polk from Houston and arrived at the hotel, he arranged for us, around 5:30pm as I started to get ready I got a phone call from him saying their flight had been delayed and won't arrive til 5am the next morning. When the time arrived I went on post and waited in a gym full of families and friends of the entire unit, as we waited they showed a slideshow of pictures of the soldiers. Then someone got on the microphone to say they just went through the gate and will be arriving soon, after the announcement was made a video of them getting off the plane started to play. As it finished the unit marched in and when they released them I looked around for my husband, then I felt a tap on my shoulder I whipped around and there he was standing behind me. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, it was one of the happiest moments of my life.
Stephanie RFort Polk, LA