In the predawn hours of Nov.22, 1963 the lights flashed on as the duty officer came rushing through our hootch shouting the "President" was shot as he proceeded to the other end of our hootch then out the other door and turned off the lights. We were not quite awake for the 15 seconds it took effect him to pass through, most of us barely awake didn't quite understand what was said and went back to sleep thinking someone was pulling a joke or something. Not uncommon for a guard to flip the lights on and off just for the heck of it !
An hour or so later we were reawanked again informing us what had taken place and instructed us that an "Alert" was in process and we were to draw our weapons put on our combat gear and proced to the motor pool where all the drivers lined up there Tanks /Trucks at the road through Camp Beavers 1/73rd Armor Div. this road ran north or south, and depending what would happen with in the next hour would dictate our move out direction north toward North Korea or South toward Soul S.K.
We were kept in the motor pool for some time only going for showers and latreen with permission. The paremiter fences were guarded with two layers 24/7. The M48A1 Tanks were loaded with Amao , all 2 1/2 s and 5 ton trucks were loaded for move out!
We didn't know what was going to happen but that fact that Presendt Kennedy was shot and then later finding out he died from his wounds , that week of uncerenty allowed lots of speculation to say the least. All said and done the Alert was canceled. And we went back to regular duty .
If not for the grace of God cooler heads prevailed !
Hq. Co. Tank Mechanic At 72 still willing to serve again if needed ! To the best of my memory!
Hanover, PA