In the first 5 years of our marriage

My husband and I never dated- we just took a huge leap of faith and got married. We endured our first deployment, where my husband lost his best friends. When he returned, we got pregnant right away and I had major complications and had to have major surgery after giving birth. I was always there during deployment and my husband took care of me through my complications. The army has moved us 4 times in 4 years. We endured our second deployment while I was pregnant with our second child. Again, we had major complications. My husband came home and helped out since I was on bedrest. He deployed right after the birth, only to come back a short time later because I went blind within two weeks and had to take care of two kids by myself overseas, since we were stationed in germany at the time. My husband made it home in time for my brain surgery that I had to have. He took care of me and both kids without complaining. He continues to support me and help when he can.
However, after all that he has done for me, it is now my turn to help him. He has been injured while serving. He is getting a medical discharge and his injuries interfere with his daily activities a lot, even to the point that he can't even move. So, now it's my turn to take care of him. I adore him so much and admire his courage and appreciate his love for me.

I will never be able to pay him back for everything he does for me, but maybe I can show my appreciation.

Yelm, WA