Bill and his unit of Army Rangers stormed the beach at Pointe du Hoc and, under constant enemy fire, scaled 100-foot (30 meter) cliffs to reach and destroy German gun batteries. The battalion's casualty rate for this perilous mission was greater than 50 percent.
Rudder's Rangers dug in and fought off German counter-attacks for two days until relieved. Rudder and his men helped to successfully establish a beachhead for the Allied forces.
Unfortunately, "Bill" Willis Charles Caperton lost his life in service to his country on D-Day storming the beach of Normandy France with his battalion.
Two movies were made to reflect the horror of taking the beach. The 1962 war film The Longest Day is devoted to the Pointe du Hoc landings and the acclaimed 1998 film Saving Private Ryan.
I was honored by being named after my Uncle.
Claremore, OK