My Daddy Rat, Colonel Charles N. Bullard, US Army retired, served two tours in Vietnam, the second of which was voluntary. He is now disabled, and has Parkinson's from the Agent Orange utilized in the jungle. One of my fondest memories is of the year he had the honor of being the Parade Marshall in the opening of the Fourth of July festivities in Southport, North Carolina. He was in command at Sunnypoint, which was the largest amunition depot in the US. I was a cheerleader, at the time, and was in the same parade. What makes this so special is the fact that he headed up the front, while my fellow cheerleaders, and I, rounded up the back. This man has always been my biggest hero, and I am one of the luckiest girls on the planet to have had the honor of being raised as a Military Child. I want to thank all of the past, present, and future warriors, all of whom have my heart and soul. Without each of you, this great Nation would not be considered the land of the free. I sleep better knowing that each of you are sacrificing life and limb, and taking bullets for our citizens. I would most definitely take a bullet for each and every one of you! My father instilled the Warrior Ethos in me from day one, and held me to the highest of standards for which our Armed Forces are known. Before he got his Commission and went into the Army, he served in the Navy aboard the USS Midway. He knew both sides of the ranks, which gave him a unique perspective. He made me into the most diehard Brat, and so very proud to be an American. God Bless you all!!!
Stacey BullardArkadelphia, AR