He sleeps in the back of his car and has all winter long. His name is Ronn. He is very talented. And yes, you have guessed right he is in his sixties. Disabled from Nam.
The picutre I have posted is his home. No windows, or doors, or bed to lay his head down at night. I fear he will not survive another winter living in his car. I also fear he will be mad at me for posting this on this site.
So, if you contact me, I will send you his phone # and please reframe from telling him I gave it to you. I would help him but I live 1800 miles away and it is impossible for me. My mother who is in her last stages of cancer lives with me.
He is in the Branford Ct. area of this small world we live. If by chance you can help him, thank you and God bless.
Mounds, OK