Home for the Holidays

I am the eldest of 11. Nine boys and two girls. I had graduated from high school and really had no desire to further my education at that point. I wanted to do "something" other than go back to school for another 4 years. I lounged around the entire summer of 1964 and even started college that fall. I didn't last long before I knew I was not ready to go any more. I quit college, went to the Post Office and signed up for the NAVY the same afternoon though it was just after the start of the Vietnam war. I theorized it is hard to test your bravery against an irate moo-cow on a farm in Wisconsin. I was going to be the first of the "tribe" to leave home. On November 4, 1964 I was off to Great Lakes NTC for boot, with the promise by the recruiter that since I had signed in advance I was guaranteed a Christmas leave. Sure enough, on December 21st I was on a bus to Northern Wisconsin to be "Home for the Holidays", I had secretly notified my Father when and where I was coming in and he met the bus. He secreted me home and I slouched down when we hit the driveway. I walked in the back door in my full Dress Blues and behind my mother at the kitchen sink. I said "So, what's for dinner..." I will never forget the look on her face. GO NAVY...

Ron Hagen
Viera, FL