Cage and Cadence's dad is a United States Marine Corps Wounded Warrior who was injured in the Iraq war. Even though he likes to tell people he "only has a few scratches" he suffered more then just a couple scratches. When he was in Iraq he was hit with a homemade bomb when he was on top of a building. He has burn marks on his left side of his body, deaf on his left ear, has TBI and a few more things. However he would go back right now if he could! He says he needs to be there, to protect his friends there and his family here. I tell him he is a true hero, but he likes to tell me, "no heros r the ones that don't make it home." But since he has been home, honorably discharge from the United States Marine Corps, he has blessed me with two beautiful children. Thank you to all the past, present and future men and women veterans!
CourtneyChatfield, MN