He Never Made it Home

My younger brother brother served in the Air Force on Guam in 1981 when he was taken from our family. He was hiking when a big wave washed him out to sea. His body was never found. He was only 21. He died 1 day before my sisters 16th birthday. The military came to my work to give me the bad news. I then had to tell my family my brother was dead. My dad died 10 months later a day before my birthday of a broken heart.My brother did not die in battle but did die serving the country he loved and we have the Gold Star to prove it. We had a full military funeral with taps, honor guard firing 3 times an a folded flag given to my mom. I tear up every day when we hear that another soldier has been injured or died fighting for our country. No family should have to go through this but we live in a sadistic world and this will happen over and over. Our family is so proud of any man or woman who serve there country so we can live in freedom. GOD BLESS OUR SOLDIERS WHO PROTECT OUR GREAT COUNTRY! YOU ARE TRUE HERO'S! I LOVE AND MISS YOU SCOTT! ONE DAY WE SHALL BE TOGETHER AGAIN!

Robert Bernacchi
Concord, CA