He is homeless...

Today, while on my lunch hour, I saw a man with a piece of cardboard stating he was homeless and his picture in uniform was pasted on it. I asked him if this is true - are you homeless and served in the Army? He said yes for 8 years I was in the Army. The VA helps with medical, even though he needs to pay 40% of his dental...but they can't find him a job. He's a chef and has put in applications at most restaurants from end of the city to the other. Since he doesn't have a real address, public assistance of any kind is tricky. He gets a motel room when he's had a good day begging for money. He didn't retire from the Army and is not disabled so there is no monthly check. It saddened me deeply- I knew there were/are homeless vets but before talking to Greg, it didn't have such a personal feeling. I pray for him and all veterans to get the help, whether it be financial and/or emotional, they need and deserve!.

Cincinnati, OH