Happy Cows

My Son Tyler and his squad were walking in Iraq in single file form, on a mission. A huge bull with a ring in his nose was tied to a very small tree, Tyler was at the end , the bull was very agrivated kicking the ground, he broke loose, and Tyler made eye contact with it. That bull started to charge at full speed toward Tyler. Tyler pulled out his weapon and tried to shoot it but his weapon was jammed, at that point the bull was almost to him so he stuck his foot out and the bull hit his foot and Tyler did a back flip , the bull must had been hurt because he ran away. When the Seargeant screamed my Sons name and he said " Why didnt you shoot the bull "? Tyler didnt want him to know his gun was jammed so he said " Well Seargeant Im from Calif. and happy cows come from Calif."

San Jose, CA