Giving back to those who helped me

I've been out of the Army since 1989. Over time, due to many factors including military experience, my PTSD symptoms grew more and more frequent. I went through a very traumatic time. Toward the end of my habilitation, I was asked to give my opinion about what I experienced as challenges upon discharge with a few other vets. This was to help in the forming of the Veteran's Sanctuary in Allentown, PA. Now, some 4 years later, I was able to help organize and play piano in a trio for a benefit I named "Jazz 4 Veteran's." The program included a free will offering that raised $542.00 for the Sanctuary. This is not to brag but to say moving forward in life after traumatic experiences is possible. It will never be perfect but it's better than it was.

Gary Crammer
Shilllington, PA