Dear Sweet Land that I Love

The following was written by a Navy Wife whom I know. She and her family were just leaving for yet another PCS overseas. I thought it expressed the feelings of many in our proud Navy.

"Dear Sweet Land that I Love,

We have to go for a while. My Husband has a job to do..for you.
They said I could stay behind (in my comfort zone) and they'd have him home in half the time..but I've gotta go. It's that whole "stand by your man" thing. Even though its uprooting my family (for the ten Thousandth time). Even though it's leaving behind new friends and family...again. Even though it'll be that awkward 'start all over' experience that no one understands quite like a military family. New church, new job, new school, new culture, new house, new walls to hang pictures on & put furniture against... new everything.
But, we gotta go. Because
1) the Lord is our God...and we trust Him. Where He leads, we want to follow.
2) Because we love you, sweet Land. We Know that God has "shed His Grace on thee".
3) Because we know God calls some to defend you. And because my Husband is one who answered that call.

So, Land that I Love, off we go on a new adventure where everything is bright because Jesus is our Light and He's promised to go with us and give us His shalom (peace).

Remember, dear People of this Land, God and Jesus Christ His Son who has so richly blessed you...without ever requiring payback (not that we could) or charging interest. -- Thank Him.
Love others.
Be kind.
Thank a sailor/soldier/marine/airman/policeman/fireman/etc...they give up what most call 'normal lives' to defend and protect you. Above all...pray for them. Pray for each other. Pray at ALL times! Don't bite the worry bait.

Until we meet again, Dear Land that I Love...and our dear Family & Friends...

A Military Wife..... An American

Keep us in your prayers.
We'll be in touch soon.
Pray for wifi. Lol "

Winton Winky White
Yokosuka, Japan