Children of war

My nephew Steven was deployed to Afghanistan (FOB, Camp Salerno, 10 miles from the Pakistan border) in 2009. He's actually my neice's husband but I consider him my nephew.We kept in touch through e-mail and I was thankful to hear from him alot. This was his first deployment to Afghanistan and he was really missing his wife and two boys. I kept all of his e-mails and pictures that he sent me and made a scrap book out them.Didn't realize how much work it would be but I'm so glad I made the book. The picture I am sending is Steven with a little girl they found on the side of the road. They named her Jasmine. She was in a coma and they didn't think she would make it. She did and you can she how much she affected him by the look of total compassion in his eyes. This is my favorite picture he sent to me. I still look at it from time to time and wonder what has become of Jasime. How do the children of war grow up to have any kind of hope of a better life? I hope she grows up to become an important person in her country. I'm proud of Steven and his family and all who serve in the military. It makes me realize every day how fortune I am to live in this great country.

Trumbull, CT