Change of Perception

Until four years ago, I didn't really know the feeling of pride in our country. Sure I saw the news and was glad I didn't live in another country where women are little more then indentured servants or something similar. But didn't know the true feeling of pride. June 2007, on a whim, tired of my daily grind I applied for a job out of the paper, and was hired by a national veteran's organization that works closely with our US veterans. Then I started to truly know pride in our military and soldier. I heard the stories, met the men and women who have sacrificed so much, and felt their pride and love of country.
A year ago, that feeling intensified a little more as the stories became a bit more personal. My 2nd cousin, serving in the Army, in Kundar Providence, Afghanistan was killed in small arms battle. I didn't really know him at all in life, but have started to know his legacy after death. He death has brought my family closer together as we all are very proud of him. He selflessly sacrificed everything for his beliefs. He left two small children and a young wife, as well as a huge extended family behind, but will forever be proud and honored of him.
I have an uncle who served in the Navy some time ago, and his sons went on to serve as well. One who was in the Air Force, one who is a Marine, and another who is in the Navy. As well as the brother of the cousin who died who was also in the Army.
I am proud of not only my cousins, but also of "my veterans" who I work with and for everyday!

Wichita, KS