About six months ago, I'd decided to put flags on my car. At first, it was something of an eye catcher in order to draw a little more attention to my business, however, almost immediately after doing so, I became quickly educated about how some people react to the symbol of our country.. Some people stare and have looks of confusion, I've been saluted, I've been given the middle finger, I've been beeped at, and let me not forget the disgusted looks. I'll admit, for a while I took my flags down. Then, I got a little angry at myself and now, I'm happy to say, they are back on my car, and here's why.. I love being an American, I love being able to have the freedom to even place the American flag on my car. I feel like a mini parade of hope every time I hear my flags blowing in the wind. We are all American, and although we may be from different parts of the world, we live, work, and breathe here. I do not love what is happening here, in America. I'm not a supporter of our government. I'd compare their behavior to children, but then I realize that even children don't act the way they do. Making America great again, is not going to come from whom we elect, it never really has, and it probably won't in the future. However, what we fail to see is right in front of us, the greatness begins with US! and the irony is, that US, is right in the USA! How GREAT is that!! Every person whom has given, not lost their lives for this country, should be honored, no matter what your feelings are about why they were lost. We are able to do what we are able to do, because of them...
We are our country, we are our hope, and only we are Americans! So, fly your flags, be good to one another, and if you see me driving by, wave and smile, we are GREAT!!! And Thank A Veteran!!
Vernon, CT