My name is Jennifer and I’m with “A Home 4 Hero’s A Home 4 Hero’s is a wonderful organization. We help homeless Veterans get off the street. We build little TINY houses and we donate them to our AMERICAN VETERANS who are able to care for themselves but just don’t have the ability to work, nor the funds to pay for regular housing!
Our organization helps Homeless and Disabled United States Veterans right here
in Maryville TN
We build small 200 square foot homes and give them to Veterans who have protected us….
We are a self-funded organization.
2nd...In July we will begin publishing a local newspaper called The Mountain Patriot
We have a special promotion coming up and we would like to invite you to be a part of it and we are offering some free advertising and exposure. We will mail 10,000 of these Newspapers to all residential mailboxes in Maryville City zip codes.
The launch date for the newspaper is coincided with the launch of our new City Directory for Maryville, MyMaryville.net. And a The Mountain Patriot eNewspaper that will carry all the local news and happenings, High School sports and local treats and community events.
Please check us out!!
Harriman, TN