My 6 mnth old daughter's father is in the Air Force, he lives in OK while we live in Maine. We were planning to see him before he was deployed but got the news a few days before that he was flying out of VA which was too far for us to travel to see him off. After he was in VA for three days we found out he would be flying out of Bangor, ME instead, last minute. He called during naptime and we live 3 hours away. When I was 30 miles from the exit to the airport he called to say he landed and didn't have much time. Then just as we were pulling off the exit he called to say they were boarding. I was heartbroken so I drove to the airport anyway. I was sitting out in the car in disbelief that we were so close, so I called to see if he was on the plane. He was, but thankfully they let him off the plane just to hug and kiss us goodbye. Luckily a troop greeter was walking by and snapped this picture of us. The next time we see him, our daughter will be a year old. It was amazing.
SammyBryant Pond, ME