A-Bomb Testing

My husband was a participant in the A-Bomb testing in 1953 in Nevada. He was in the MP's, had to dig a trench, and when it was exploded they were told not to raise their heads otherwise they would not have one. The bomb destroyed everything a 1 1/2 mile from the site and he was a mile. He has clippings that are very amazing. His skin has suffered I think from the fall out - every bit of skin that was explosed is very dry, flaky and full of skin cancers. He has had as many of 100 frozen at a time and they continue to return. Most of the VA say it is sun damage - I think they are nuts but I don't have a degree. He suffers with it but does not complain. I admire him for standing up for his country and being involved in a test they no one had an idea of the results. I salute him and he is my hero.. If there are other veterans that were involved in this activation, please feel free to contact us. We would love hearing from you.

Helen Reeves
Siloam Springs, AR