4th Generation military

I was the 4th generation in my family to serve in the military & I couldnt have been prouder EXCEPT when my oldest son decided to enlist in the ARMY in late 2007. As a retired officer I had the great pleasure to swear my son in by giving him his oath of office. I was so nervous. You could tell the soldiers at the MEPS STATION were definately NOT used to having a enlistee's mom swear someone in, a dad yes, but rarely a mom.
Shortly after my son left for basic my husband, (he served 34 yrs,) was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We waited until our son was home on leave for the holidays to tell our oldest. After he got out of basic/AIT the ARMY allowed our son 4o come home for 2 weeks prior to being deployed to Iraq as we all knew it would be the last time he would see his dad alive. Our oldest deployed in early SEPT 2008 & had only been in country for 3 days when his dad passed. He made it home in record time & was there for his dad's service. Our son is now on his 3rd deployment.

Mary Garrett
Key West, FL