For 21 yrs of my 22 in the army it was always practice practice practice,,,for the 13 months I spent in Iraq it all came together like a fitted glove. I've had numerous MOS's throughout my career to include 11B and 92Y,,,while in Iraq i found out that my knowledge of 11B and 92Y were my best assets to go with to survive the ordeal I was in. I was there from Sept. 2004-Oct. 2005. While the 21 yrs. were "boring" and repititious,,the 13 months were well worth it,,I helped so many coalition troops because of my knowledge,,,If they needed something like ammo,,rations,,,fuel,,,all they had to do was ask and it suddenly "appeared" when everyone else thought we had none. My 2 biggest assets over there were my .50 cal experience which i used on convoys and my knowledge of being able to "acquire" things that we needed WITHOUT going through all the red tape that is usually required to do things. This is just 1 story of many that I could tell but this 1 to me is the best one.
roger labriemanchester, NH