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Proud Military Mom and Grandma

I have had 3 sons, (28 yrs, 23 yrs and 4 yrs) in US Navy, 2 sons-in-law,(1 Air Force 1 Army Ranger) 6 grandchildren (2 in Army, 1 in Navy 3 in Coast Guard) and a brother (in Korean war). I am so proud of all of them and, they are still giving by belonging to the Patriot Guard and helping other veterans whenever they can, as well as most of them in active service now.

Marilyn Speakman
Canton, GA

Marine Mom Honors Wounded/Fallen in Combat Boots

Marine Mom Honors Wounded/Fallen in Combat Boots

On March 23, 2014, Marilyn Olson of Bigfork, Montana will be participating in the 24th Annual Bataan Memorial Death March; a challenging 26.2 mile march through the high desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range in combat boots to honor of the heroic service members who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II, sacrificing their freedom, health and, in many cases, their very lives. But her efforts go beyond just that; honoring four US Marines who sacrificed their very lives during her son's deployment to Afghanistan last year and to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project to support those who returned with both visible and invisible scars of war.

Marilyn is the mother of three active duty US Marines; two sons and a daughter. In 2012, her oldest Marine served during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF 112) with the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines. She was on the phone with her son when Marines called out "River City" and the phone went dead. They lost four Marines during Operation Jaws in the Sangin Valley of Helmand Province; her son's squad was one of the initial forces. She has since made it her mission to honor those four US Marines who lost their lives during that operation. She has been blessed to have her travel expenses from Montana to New Mexico paid for by her son's local VFW Post 4042, the Flathead Marines, her local Ladies Auxilliary and many hometown supporters. She has been training all summer; running distances from 5k to half marathons and rucking with a 20# pack in combat boots.

Social Services Director by day, Marilyn spends her time off dedicated to honoring military members. She also works with Montana Wounded Warriors, an all volunteer organization that provides all expense paid hunting & fishing opportunities to Montana vets of the Iraq & Afghanistan wars.

Kalispell, MT

Connected with Cassettes

Connected with Cassettes

Dad - Colonel E. Dale Boggie, United States Air Force, Retired.
Dad got orders to Viet Nam; so Mom (Sharon), my sister and I moved to Wrightwood, a small San Bernardino mountain town from Lompoc where dad was stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base. We moved into a cozy cabin in the woods next to a German woman who taught me to make baked apples, and we spent time exploring the woods around us, swimming at the Burns' pool in the summer, and part of school in the winter was skiing. Benefit of living in a ski town.
Mom and Dad made it a memorable time in our lives - focusing on adventures - hiding their own fears and heartache.
Every week we looked forward to the mail – getting a cassette tape from Dad! They were always so exciting! He would tell stories of his adventures, the country and people with local music or sounds in the background. We felt we were in the middle of the jungle. It was so exotic.
We couldn’t wait to record our tape telling him of our adventures, singing and playing our instruments.
We felt so connected and I could imagine him sitting with his scotch smoking a cigar and chuckling, probably with a tear in his eye.
He came home on leave at Christmas. My sister dressed like Santa Claus and I was a reindeer using a doll crib as our sleigh coming down the stairs Christmas morning. Mom and Dad had a treasure hunt with new clues at each stop. We tromped all over the woods ending at the German neighbors' shed - 4 brand new Sears 3-speed bikes!
The day he left, we thought the snow would keep him home. As we watched them drive away in our white station wagon, that was the only time I felt sadness that year.
Mom & Dad kept our childhood innocent and magical and continue that with our kids. I think we will make a cassette for them this Christmas!

Lisa Boggie Anderson
Castle Rock, CO

When He Came Home

When He Came Home

My husband, E3 Ship Serviceman Clerk Paul Kirkpatrick. served aboard the USS Bon Homme Richard CVA31 from November of 1969-June 1971. When the ship arrived at North Island Navel Air Base returning from Viet Nam, they were for released liberty. They took a shuttle from the ship to the mainland, when they arrived at the pier on the mainland they were met by protesters throwing what ever garbage they could find at the sailors, calling them names. As they walked around downtown San Diego they met with a few more protesters who called them foul names. Not a great homecoming.

I was living in Texas waiting for the birth of our first son. On December 10th Paul obtained leave and came home. We were waiting for him at Midland Air Terminal. I had seen the way servicemen were treated at the airports. My Mother-In-Law was concerned that we could get caught up in some of that trouble so she insisted we wait inside the terminal for Paul. (there was a time when one could go out on the tarmac to meet their loved ones). I spotted him coming down the stairway from the plane. I edged as close to the door as I could then I stepped outside. He saw me and started walking faster towards me. The other passengers must have noticed what was going on because suddenly there was an opening and just like you see it on the TV today he had a corridor of folks patting him on the back and saying welcome home. My husband was blessed that day. He held the memory of San Diego in until just a few months ago. I don't know if his welcome in Texas made up for what he faced in San Diego but it maybe it have helped a little.

Jeannie Kirkpatrick
Midland, TX

Worst day of my 5 years in the military

My last 2 tours were in Viet Nam, 1970-72. I flew to Travis AFB,Ca, to get discharged. After prosessing out, I went to the air port to fly back to NY, in uniform, to get the military discount. There I was meet by many groups, including, Hare Krishnas, who then preceded to throw, poop, pee, rocks and other debris at me and other military people and showered us with tons of verbal abuse.

I spent 54 months overseas out of 60 months I served in the Air Force.

The world,meaning the USA, had changed a lot during that time period.

From that day on it was very dangerous to admit you spent any time in Viet Nam.

Wappingers Falls, NY

the cease fire in france

I don't remember my dad but years after we lost contact I found out that he blew the ceasefire to end the second world war in france His name was William[bill] Phillips My younger half sister still has the bugle has the bugle tucked away some where. He was a grenedear guard at the time [British army]

St clair, Australia

My Friend,Sp/4 A Clemons, Vietnam 1971

My Friend,Sp/4 A Clemons, Vietnam 1971

During my tour in Vietnam 1971-72, I befriended a man by the name of Artis Clemons. Clemons had been Vietnam in 1967 with the 1st Cavalry, he survived
and came back in 1971. Our friendship began in July of 1971,he was like having a big brother that shows you around camp, the do's and don'ts, just an all around good guy. If you saw one you saw the other, we were like two peas in a pod.

As time went I really looked forward to hanging out him, his back in the rear hut, we all had a hut that 4-6 men could bed down, your R&R was your down time, for now. Clemons had a great sound system where we listen to Marvin Gaye song, "Whats going on", it was appropriate for the time.

We got orders to pack light, it was time move. while waiting on my orders assuming Clemons and I was going home together, I was glad to be leaving Vietnam, but happier I was going with my friend. Clemons came to me and said he had gotten his and was leaving in a week, I still hoping my orders would come down, but it didn't. Clemons time came quick, he was leaving that morning, I walked him to the gate, we hugged, did our Dap and he was on the bus going to the airport. I returned back to my hut and cried, I had a feeling I would never see him again.

After Vietnam I lived in the Midwest for nearly thirty years, I moved to Birmingham in 2003, I am from Birmingham, I was here for my Uncle's wife funeral, I got on the pc and had a message from A. Clemons, I was excited, I am going to see or talk to my friend, but it was his, we exchange information to make sure, that we are talking to the right person. after that I asked where is your dad ? he replied, sorry he died two years ago, I was devastated.

RIP Artis Clemons.

Davis Chatman
Birmingham, AL

Wishing to met

My mom met a soldier on facebook and they have become really good friends. His name is SGM Mark Caudill who is serving overseas. He asked be the other day if he could have my mom's hand in marriage and I said yes. I have never seen my mom so happy because my mom has been sick for two years. She was sick from cancer but it is gone for now.
I would like to have him home for a special day on Dec 12 but that is to soon and to much money to bring him home for me to come up with. I can't wait for my mom to met my soon to be dad
I just had to tell someone how much this soldier has brought back the life into my mom.

Brian Harwood
Fenton, MI

He's worth it

Having been a Navy wife for so long, I'm no stranger to having my husband gone for months at a time. He's a submariner (USS Florida Blue), and leaves for 4 months then is home for 3, out for 4, etc. His latest deployment was a bit harder on us; he'd been put on shore duty for medical reasons for a year, and because of the deployment he missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, and my birthday. I hate not having him home for big events like that, but I always feel worst for the kids. Finally, slow as it was, time passed and it was time for homecoming. The kids and I made signs, bought new outfits, I even wore a dress and heels (I'm a total jeans and tee shirt girl, so that was a big deal). Standing outside nervously, I suddenly got a text telling me that he would be there soon. I'll never forget the beautiful sound of the buses pulling up, the smell of exhaust consuming us, and the loud cheer that went up from all of the other wives waiting for their loved ones. As the buses began to unload, I frantically was looking around trying to find my husband, all the while keeping track of my kids. Suddenly I hear the two most precious voices to me scream "DADDY!" and they took of running. I stood back with tears in my eyes, heart filled with love. I walked toward him and he stood up and smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. I clung to him, breathing in his smell and brushing my cheek against the stubble on his face. Pulling back he looked at me with the biggest smile, and then kissed me tenderly. Hugging me again, he whispered in my ear "I missed you so much." We finally felt whole again.

How do I do it you ask? It's easy. He's worth it.

Monica Leigh Peck
Yulee, FL

Words can not explain!

My son was on his 2nd deployment to Iraq and he could only call ever so often ,so when he became engaged of course I knew she would hear from him the most so I called her a lot to see if she had heard from him . We'll one Friday morning after it had been quite a while since I had talked to him & I was getting very worried, well about 10 am my time he called me on my cell & asked where I would be around noon .i told him at my office but that I would have my cell phone with me ,so he said they were going to the palace and he would call then that he really had to go . So I continued to work & was on a call with my accountant looking down at some papers & a voice that was connected to the feet ( which was all I could see ) says what are you doing for lunch ? I looked up & started screaming and crying ,tore my headsets off & ran to hug my son who was surprising me with a short visit for some schooling . Best surprise ever! But about gave me a heart attack! My soon to be daughter in law was in on it the whole time . I thank God he brought my son home every time unharmed . My prayers go out to all of the family's who lost a son or daughter. God bless them

Winter haven, FL