what do you mean 1010 blood sugar

I was fishing in a fishing tournament with a friend and I couldn't get enough water to drink. By the end of the day I had drank all the waters, gatoraid and cokes we had. Since the tournament was done for the day I decided to drink a few beers, about 6-8. I woke up and couldn't feel my left arm and three fingers were completely numb. Since we were far from home I ignored it and kept fishing in the tournament, again drinking everything we had. I came home and just kept drinking and peeing not thinking to much about it. I went to work offshore for 7 days. On about the 3rd day and I had drank all the water on the platform I posted on my facebook about it. Everyone said to get in and go to the hospital. The next day I decided I wasn't as tough as I thought so I went ahead and called for the helicopter. I drove home (about 70 miles) and picked up my G/F. I then drove us to the hospital joking and cutting up with her because I didn't think anything of it. I mean hell im a tough as a striped spider. When I told them my symptoms they took my blood sugar and the meter read high. They made me sit down and got my in a wheel chair and into the emergency room. I was still not worried even after they took blood and were rushing to get IV's in me. The doc showed up and his first words were im impressed. Joking I said me too Doc. That's when he told me my blood sugar was 1010 and my A1C was 13. He explained my body was shutting down and this was really serious. They had 3 IV's and pushing hard. After 3 days in ICU I was finally release. I know now how serious it was. I thank god and the people that cared enough about me to tell me to get in from offshore. I could have died out there.

Houston, TX