Type 2 Rookie

I learned in June 2012 I was T2 during a visit to my new Primary Care Doctor. She was drawing blood for several tests and suddenly did a finger prick. 5 minutes later, she announced my A1c was 7.5 and I was Diabetic. I had no clue what she was saying. I weighed 275 then and since have dropped to 180, use Metformin and Lisonipril and managed to cut way down on white sugar--almost zero intake, Kids. I exercise as regularly as I can at a nearby gym. I am pursuing an acting career these days and it so far does a great job of eluding me. I am also a 14 year Hodgkins survivor. My Diabetic problem areas at this point are depression, stress and neuropathy pains--back mostly. But in April '13 a Home A1c was 5.8! I'm pretty much a stumbling fumbling failure at everything except managing my Diabetes. Honestly, it doesn't take much effort on my part. Maybe that's why I manage it so well? I must confess, I hate looking at all those pics of various fancy foods we can eat. Kids, there is much more to life and living than food! Get off your butts and LIVE!

John Lucas
Jacksonville, FL