The War on Diabetes

I have Type 2 Diabetes, and I affectionately call my life the "War on Diabetes." I refuse to sit and let Diabetes take my kidneys, my sight, my feet, cause me to have a heart attack, or any other negative. I intend to stay out of the hospital for many more years.

I am almost 53 years old, and I was diagnosed in March of 2006, seven years ago. It was really just an accident I was diagnosed at that time, although I had symptoms. I am in good physical shape from working out religiously since I was 25, and when I was diagnosed I weighed about the same as now. So, why did I develop Diabetes? It runs in my family.

I have a moderate case of Peripheral Neuropathy in my right foot and leg. My foot is numb, and my calf, is somewhat numb, too. I have learned to walk, run, and move okay. No doc will confirm this, but I developed two running induced stress fractures in my right leg over an 18 month period. I was not a lifelong runner, so I retired from running. Hopefully no more bone troubles.

Now, in addition to going to the gym to lift weights 3-4 times per week, I have become a cyclist. I'm riding up to 20 miles or so at a time, and my initial goal for mileage is 40 miles.

I write about my War on Diabetes on a social media network so I can perhaps help others to see you can live with Diabetes, and not only live a normal life, but live a life full of expectation for the accomplishment of goals. Hang in there, and take charge. Join up with me in Fighting the War on Diabetes!

Les Biffle
Welch, TX