The story of my type II Diabetes

Hi, My name is Sara. I am a type II Diabetic, and this is my story:
I have been having bladder control issues since 2011. I went to my doctor, and he tested me and said I was fine and gave me some pills for bladder control. FF to 2013. I never notice the signs. My kids did... My water consumption increased, my urine output increased, I couldn't seem to get enough. I was drinking around 180oz a day of water, tea, anything i could wet my lips with. In march of 2013 I went to the emergency room for what I thought was a cyst on my inner thigh.. the doctor starts question me asking if anyone else had one and if i was diabetic. I told him no. He asked the nurse to get a sugar reading on me, It was 360! he then told me I was diabetic and the thing I thought was a cyst was actually cellulitis I told my kids I was diabetic and they said "mom, we already knew that because of all the water you drink". I scheduled an appt the next day with my physician and she did a A1C on me which came back at an 11.8. I am now on Metformin Xr 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. My last A1C i am now down to an 8.1. Still have a way to go but slowly getting it under control.

Sara Hernandez
Victoria, TX