The Neverending Story

So when I was 8 years old, I did not want to eat, play with my friends, and always wanted to drink something. I lost 12 lbs. in one week and did things like fainting in church, falling on my way home from school, and whining a lot. I was diagnosed with Type I, referred to as Juvenile at the time. Fast forward to now. I am 51, have 2 children, a boy 20 and a girl 17, both born healthy with minimum damage to me. I have had 2 heart attacks (I have a stent in the left "widow maker" artery), had a 5 hour surgery for a completely torn retina and a vitrectomy (replacing all the fluid in your eye), which made me stay with my head looking at the ground for 3 weeks 24/7, two frozen shoulders, some neuropathy after a twice broken foot, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression. And I am a very conscientious diabetic!! I am not going to sugar-coat it (pun intended!)--it's been nearly 44 years and I am tired! But I have to say that I am proud of myself for getting married, having my children, raising them till now, while taking care of myself so I can be around for them. I am at every school or sporting event they have, even when I had to keep my head down and watch through a three-way mirror! We go to concerts together, vacation in Disney whenever we can, and try to live as normal a life as possible. I take between 5-7 shots and 17 pills per day. I probably test my blood sugar at least 12 times a day. I have had an ambulance called in a variety of places. All of this is tough for the kids, but they are very responsible and we do our best. My son told his friend I am the strongest person he knows and that is one thing that keeps me going. It is certainly better than the alternative! :)

Linda Babusci
Park Ridge, IL