The day that changed our lives forever

My intelligent, polite, handsome son was diagnosed on Oct 7, 2012. Weeks before he became very ill he was drinking lots of water, urinating a lot, eating more and losing weight. I wasn't sure what was wrong until he became very weak. His father took him to the ER that Sunday morning and he was instantly diagnosed with T1D. His blood sugar was over 600! Though diabetes runs in my family, I never knew the signs. He had just seen his pediatrician to get his shots for 6th grade on his birthday in August. However, they did not do a blood or urine test. Life has changed for us tremendously. The past school year was very tough for my son but he's done such a great job managing things. I'm a strong person but this has been the toughest thing I've ever had to deal with. Some days I'm so depressed I can barely get out of bed. Just imagine how my son feels everyday! He's in great spirits for the most part but he has his sad days where he shuts down. He gets so tired sometimes and his weight fluctuates often. I'm going to remain positive for him for I know that things will get better with time. He joined a local T1D group called Hot Shots. Also, me and his father joined a local group called POD (parents of diabetes). It's great to be amongst other kids and adults who know what you're going through. I recommend to every parent to always get a blood test for your kids when they go to their pediatrician. Also, to pay close attention to the signs. I can't help but to think of how long he may have been sick and we weren't aware of the signs. We are trusting and believing in God for a miracle to reverse our sons diagnosis. But if He doesn't, we will accept this as a platform for his life's testimony to help others along the way. Blessings to everyone who has this terrible disease...we are all survivors....XOXOXO

Riunita Martin
Madison, AL