Still Alive !!

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when I was 3 years old. I don't remember the time it happened, but the stories goes that I was drinking a lot, even licking dew drops off my father's beer cans. Growing up with this, I was always told that I was a brittle Diabetic, hearing horror stories, which caused me to believe I wouldn't live past 30, if I was indeed that lucky. I went without seeing a doctor from the age of 18 until 30 and was still alive. I got married at that age and had a new lease on life. Two children later, I am still trying my best to monitor and manage my diabetes. The effects of my poor self care started to catch up to me and I thank God every day, for another day. At 43 years of age, I have vision in only one eye, neuropathy, heart disease (6 stents), kidney function below 40%, arthritis and other symptoms. I am able to still drive, play with my two children, work and other areas of a wonderful life. I will continue to face the challenges and accept them, hoping for a change for the better at some point, but remain thankful for the blessings I've received and continue to live with, despite the daily challenges of sudden low's and unfounded high's, working along with all six doctors and keeping track of my schedule, food intake and insulin. Thanks to all for the insulin pump, improved care and love from all.

Chad Soucy
Kankakee, IL