So, today I will be telling you my type 1 diabetes diagnosis story. I was diagnosed nine years ago when I was 41 years old. I was diagnosed on October 10th, 2008.
So, basically I started showing symptoms. I was always thirsty, I had dry mouth and my muscles were always sore like I just got done working out. I was always drinks and chugging water, Gatorade or whatever fluid’s I could. The thirst to me was basically unbearable. Also I was eating everything I could and burning it up. I was also going to the bathroom like all the time. I also lost a lot of weight, which I thought it was from my workouts I was doing.
So on October 10, 2008 I went to doctor to see what was wrong with me. The doctor checked my blood sugar, but the meter they had was not able to give a reading of my blood sugar. But some of the symptom’s I had told the doctor, she figure I could have diabetes. The doctor told me that I needed to go to the ER right away. That she would be calling them to let them know I was coming over there. Once I was there in the ER they were able to read my blood sugar which was 970 and that I have type one diabetes.
I spent three days in the hospital to get my blood sugar down and I learned how to manage diabetes and I remember just being miserable. Before me, nobody else in my family had type one diabetes. It took my family and I awhile to get used of this new life we had received and to become comfortable with it. Now diabetes is just a part of my everyday life, I have never once let it slow me down. I don’t think of this disease as a horrible thing, I have gotten so much out of having diabetes.