Our Brave Girl

Twelve days after her eighth birthday, our daughter Grace, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes...and our world changed forever. She was very sick and brought to the hospital to stay for 3 days...steps away from a diabetic coma with a blood sugar of 800. We made it just in time, God saved our little girl. After days of screaming and crying with every insulin shot and finger prick, and experiencing every emotion possible, our brave girl started to adjust to her new life. This would consist of counting every carb she would eat, mutiple finger pricks daily, multiple insulin shots daily, watching for 'lows' so she wouldn't have a seizure, adjusting for 'highs' so she wouldn't have complications later in life, and carrying medical supplies on her every where she goes. We learned as a family that this disease is a daily battle.
The hardest part of it all was having to tell an 8 yr old that this will never go away.
Grace is the bravest girl we know to have to endure such a difficult challenge at such a young age. But we know that even with this disease, there is nothing she can't do. She is still the same smart, funny, beautiful Grace we loved before her diagnosis...except now she may have a few extra angels by her side.

Enfield, CT