My Type 1 Diabetic Story

I'm Shelby King from Tennessee, and I was 4 years old when I found out I had Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes, I am now about to turn 15. I found I was diabetic when I was drinking a whole lot and using the bathroom every 5 minutes. My mama did everything to try and stop my thirst thinking that was why I was using the bathroom all the time. I also would have real bad fits and the doctors at Vanderbilt told us that it was from my blood glucose being high. My mama then took me to the doctor and they rushed me to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital with a my blood sugar being 728. Over the years I have learned how to manage my diabetes and I now have an insulin pump from Animas. I wanted to share my story with you because I see how everyone always gets theirs out there and I wanted to share mine.

Shelby King
Beersheba Springs, TN