My Story

hello, Okay so my name is Caitlin. I'm 16 years of age, and I was diagnosed a diabetic in February 2013. I was taken to the hospital because at the time I had a bladder infection and we thought it went to my kidneys. The doctors took me into the emergency I was in that room for about a day. The doctors gave me morphine, thinking it was a kidney infection.
Nothing seemed to be working, so the doctor was going to send me home, thinking I was fine. Before I left, I took some tests just to make sure. It turns out if I was going to go home, I would have died that night, or a few nights later. When the doctor came in, he was in such a rush. He told me I was a diabetic. From that moment, I bursted into tears. I thought that if I told people, they would make fun of me because I was so fat. That day my blood sugar was 72. I ended up staying a few nights while being connected with 3 ivs.
Currently, I still don't know if I'm type one, or two. But I do know that I will get through this and I'm not alone. Diabetes is really hard to deal with. It's exhausting, but I won't give up. I will continue to fight.

Caitlin Martens
Winnipeg, Canada