my miracle x x 0

I have 4 daughters and always wanted a son, i fell pregnant with my first son Thomas in March 2010. I had a great pregnancy, I gave birth to my son on the date given by the hospital it was wonderful seeing my daughters with him. Then when he was 21 months old he became ill with chicken pox, he was losing weight drinking alot weeing in his bed and not sleeping, i took him to the doctors on the friday and was told he had a cold, we didnt think so but listened to the doctor he gave him antibiotix medicine i gave it to him before bed and at 3 am saturday morning we heard him choking we went in to him he had been sick we sat him up but he wasnt right he fell a sleep in the morning we decided to take him the walk in center, we were there for 5 min s and was shouted in, we were there 5 More mins and was told that he needed hospital right away. We got there and he was takin to a bed whete they gave him a blood test and within 15 mins i was told the news he was in a coma and that he had diabetes type 1 i couldnt breath i couldnt stop crying they put dripps in his hands n feet n legs they told me to call every one and to come in see him they gave him 2 days to live if the drip didnt work luckerly it did and after 8 days in hisputal we came home to a dufferent life to what we had before but we had our son and we would do what ever it took he is just lije any other 3 year old naughty funny loud just how we like it

mrs devera bailey
stoke on trent, United Kingdom